Life-changing habits, I learnt from a friend

Sri Sravya
3 min readFeb 26, 2022

There’s a friend in mind as I write this. How I lucked onto such an amazing human being is beyond me, but I did, and it’s definitely wonderful.


Whenever I retrospect of ‘How I used to be then ’ and ‘How different and much better I am, now ’, I always feel thankful for this friend(along with a few others, obviously).

Best friends bring the best out in you ❤

I mentioned it as life-changing because it’s life-changing to me(haha), I mean I just got so much better than before, like cherry on the cake 🤗.

and then ‘Habits’ because I practice them in my everyday life, and now they’re part of me.

Here are few of those gems:

  1. Being Honest

My most favourite human trait is Honesty.

One of the most important qualities to be a good friend/person is being honest.

Let your friends know when you’re hurt by them, confused by them, when they did something wrong, and can tell when they’re hiding.

Also, confess them when you did some mistakes. (Don’t have fear of getting judged, they’re your close friends,yaa)

The greatest truth is honesty, and the greatest falsehood is dishonesty.

A lot of people don’t want to do any of these as it is easier for them to hide behind “I don’t want to hurt your feelings.

Thing is, good friends, share. Even pain, especially pain. Discomfort enters everywhere in life, it’d be dishonest to pretend as it avoids friendships and relationships altogether.

Be upright and fair!🤗

2. Learn saying ‘NO’ as easily as you’d say ‘YES’

I learned this the hard way. Saying NO shouldn’t be hard when you love yourselves enough.

When I realizsed it, I was blown away :)

I feel that there’s some connection between self-love and saying No🤷

Did you feel that,any day!?

and I started loving myself[yayyyy!!!the first step,finally]lol.

Saying no, helps us to maintain healthy boundaries and allow others to have clarity about what they can expect from us!

3. Be YOU

There’re a few qualities in us, which make us unique ,which makes us,’US’.

Share your thoughts and personality at the right times, while taking into consideration and respecting others.

Keep your authenticity and use it in a proper manner.

I, myself felt many times, if I do this, how they might feel, will they judge me? and blah blah…but being myself (yourself) is so easy and also so easy to breathe,lolll.

4. Be Optimistic but also Practical

Being optimistic is good, actually great. There’s hope in it.

Any fight,any good fight is born out of optimism — Kamal Harris

But developing this ability to balance out negative and positive things in situations, circumstances, and people is even better.

In simple terms-developing this ability to combine the positive outlook of optimists with the clear-eyed perspective of pessimists.

These are few habits I embarked.

Oh,yeah…some day I’ll introduce that friend to you’ll.🥰

Say ‘Oui, cher’ to “Laissez les bons temps rouler!” ( Let the good times roll)

And also to the good friends!!!😉

See you,in the next blog. ❤

