Arctic Code Vault Contributor — a gaint open-source archive in arctic vault for 1000 years!

Sri Sravya
3 min readJul 20, 2020

Yesterday, when I opened my github profile ,my eyes have fallen on highlight part as something exciting has showed up.

And that’s that “Arctic Code Vault Contributor” Badge, i have seen few posts on Linkedin mentioning this and I was like wow! This is cool.

But I didn’t understand what that actually is and why?

So I have a done some good research,scraped some information and so today I am here…❤

What “Arctic Code Vault Contributor” is and why ?

At GitHub Universe 2019, they have introduced the GitHub Archive Program along with the GitHub Arctic Code Vault.

With a mission to preserve open source software for future generations by storing your code in an archive built to last a thousand years.

On February 2, 2020, they took a snapshot of all active public repositories on GitHub to archive in the vault.

Sounds Wow, right!

film reels

And now Github has delivered a copy of all of the open-source software code stored on its website to a data repository at the Arctic World Archive, which is a very long-term archival facility buried 250 meters deep in the permafrost of an Arctic mountain.

The old coal mine in Longyearbyen, Norway.

They reported that the code( 21TB of repository data to 186 reels of piqlFilm (digital photosensitive archival film). These boxes of film reels, emblazoned with GitHub’s Octocat logo were then shipped to Longyearbyen which is town with more than 2000 people.

Piql is one of the company which stores long term data and was successfully deposited in the Arctic Code Vault on July 8, 2020.

The code was officially stashed not only inside the mine but even further inside a chamber “deep inside hundreds of meters of permaforest.

As Millions of developers around the world contributed to the open source software now stored in the Arctic Code Vault.

To recognize and celebrate these contributions, we designed the Arctic Code Vault Badge, which is shown in the highlights section of a developer’s profile on GitHub.

Hover and you can discover some of the repositories an individual contributed to.

More Highlights:

As part of this archive program, this operation has been taken place and is still far from complete, though. In a blog post, GitHub said the next step is to create what it calls a “Tech Tree,” which is a document that contains the technical history and cultural context of the GitHub Archive Program.

The idea with the Tech Tree is to compile a bunch of existing works that help provide a more detailed understanding of modern computing and software development, open-source software and its applications, and popular programming languages.

That, GitHub said, is intended to allow the archive’s inheritors to understand today’s world and its technologies better and perhaps even enable them to recreate computers to use the archived software.

So, whoever got this badge,those guy’s code(repositories) have really travelled so far,even in this pandemic (just joking)!

Kudos,everyone for making such amazing contributions ❤❤❤

